Pizza You Later.
You know that feeling when you get to the end of a really good book? It’s like you don’t want the story to end, but at the same time you have a deep appreciation you got to experience the story.
I am particularly reminded of this feeling when the seasons start to change. Time is fleeting, everyone has gotten a little bit older and you are there to witness it all.
These moments in particular make me grateful that I have been able to have hardships (aka. opportunities for growth) in life. Sometimes, the going gets tough and that doesn’t stop time passing. At the end of the day we have the choice about how we will look at the lot we’re given in life. As for Lucky Slice, we’re gonna keep moving forward, being creative, pushing ourselves to new heights and leaving the rest of the bull**** behind us. ‘Cause at the end of the day you know what matters? Friends, family, food, and giving yourself to something bigger.
These are some of those private moments that are hardest to put into words, they might bring a tear to your eye and they are the most unforgettable. Just like the ending of a good book.
So with the utmost gratitude, we will be removing our summer seasonal menu entitled “Vaqueros” from the menu as of October 1.
While we are sad to see these pies go, we are excited to show you the next chapter. At least with us, “pizza endings” tend to be more like “pizza see ya’ laters”.
Thanks for letting us make you pizza.
Pies leaving the Menu Oct. 1:
Catch you on the flippidy flip,
Lucky Slice Pizza